Its getting near time. The weekend is fast approaching. One of the participants is a brash upstart, talking a little trash and hoping its swagger will help it win the day; the other is an old powerhouse, the establishment, the tried and true that is confident...nee cocky? its prospects. Who will win out? We will see this weekend.
Wait... what?? You thought I was talking about Texas vs. Wyoming. Hell no!! I meant Comcast (parent company of Versus) against DirecTV!! Unfortunately, this ridiculous business brouhaha is likely to prevent me from watching our Horns go off against Wyoming and its long football tradition of ... well, even my in-depth internet research can't turn up any players I've heard of, so it must not be much of a tradition.
How in this day and age is it possible that we can't watch this game!?! Come on people. It is frigging Versus network! I have more leverage with my pregnant wife than they do with DirecTV. How many people really sign up for DTV with the hope of catching the Versus channel nightly? Now that the NHL is back from the hinterlands, what is even on Versus? Mountain biking? Custom hot rod design shows? Extensive late night infomercials?
I can't believe an agreement hasn't been reached between Comcast and DTV on this, but I guess it just goes to show that the anger and bickering we see on TV every night is actually governing the businesss of TV also. I am jealous of those (brilliant) among us who will be dining on Cowboy Saturday evening in Laramie. Wait, that didn't come out sounding right....