First, sorry for the mistaken post earlier. What kind of site are we running here?: I hit one wrong button and whoops! there goes everything.
More importantly, we are now 3 games into the college football season. SLAE was founded, in part, to allow us to make bold, visionary predictions that would be cherised for all posterity -- and subject to endless ridicule when inevitably wrong. In that misanthropic spirit, I went back and reviewed David's pre-summer prediction thread regarding the Horns.
My god, David, what is in the water over there at Legge Farrow!! Let's review:
Game Pick Score
UL-Mon Tex 55-6 Tex 59-20
Wyoming Tex 45-14 Tex 41-10
Tech Tex 49-24 Tex 34-24
So, after three games, including 2 against garbage opponents where picking the score is compromised by meaningless end-of-game points, you are: within 4 points of our score against ULM, within 4 points of our score and Wyo's score, and dead on with Tech's total (a huge surprise given we haven't held them to 24 points since 2005.
What's more, you said we would beat ULM by 39, and we did. You had us beating Wyoming by 31, and we did. That's just sick accuracy!! I seriously hope you laid some money in Vegas because... well... SLAE has its eye on a hot Cisco server and wants to show her the bling-bling. If your trend continues, things definitely bode well for the Horns (and you should quit this law thing and start up a Phil Steele-esque phone line).
Predictions asside, what we saw from the Horns left a lot to be desired. The D was excellent. Say what you want about the second half passing yards, but Tech is going to get those yards no matter what, and holding them to 24 is an accomplishment. The O....not so much. I've been to CLE's with more action than our offense showed in the first half. I don't know if the flu really got to Colt, if this season is going to be 2007 redux, if he broke up with that hottie of a girlfriend or what, but he is just not the same QB as last year. That might be fine if our offense utilized any other weapons besides him, but ... as they say ... live by the spread offense, die by the spread offense.
Something tells me this team starts to gel in the next few weeks, and that game with OU becomes a monster. I know that if the OL doesn't get its act together, I'm going to get an ulcer watching OU's D-line.